Strawberry Field Updates

I’m sorry I’ve been so behind with updating the blog…I seem to never get caught up these days!  We have several things going on at the farm!

If you haven’t been this season, there is still time! The strawberries are still big, sweet, and gorgeous! We still have U-Pick and We-Pick available.  We’ve also opened up the U-Pick blueberries, and one row of peaches and have plums coming in as well. Blackberries will still be another couple of weeks before they’re ready.

We have restocked the t-shirts so if you were waiting on a size/color combo, I have gotten in some of the Buy Local shirts this week, sizes ranging from youth XS to Adult 3X.
Another exciting development is that we convinced Daddy to plant some vegetables!  It will be later in the summer before they’re ready but last week we planted the following:
straight & crooked neck squash
sadandy peas
blackeyed peas
green butterbeans
colored butterbeans
habanero peppers
banana peppers
mucho nacho jalapeno peppers
tabasco peppers
poblano peppers
I’m not sure yet if these will be already picked only or if we will allow u-pick for these.  We will also continue to partner with our other friends in the farming community and bring you what they are growing when possible.  And don’t forget on those hot days you can always stop in and get a delicious homemade ice cream cup or cone!

About Southern Grace Farms

We are a family owned & operated farm in South Georgia. We grow traditional row crops such as peanuts, cotton, and corn, as well as U-Pick Strawberries and Blackberries in Enigma, GA. We also have a U-Pick Strawberry field in Valdosta, GA.
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1 Response to Strawberry Field Updates

  1. Julie says:

    Yay! So excited to hear about the vegetables! Look forward to some more SGF yummy produce. 🙂

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